The Inetta Fund home page

The Inetta Fund is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization that was founded to provide educational assistance, material and resources to schools, teachers and students for use in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) projects in rural and underfunded school systems. We are currently supporting projects in Greene County, Alabama, but the Fund is chartered to operate through the United State.

Our mission is to provide students with exposure to, and hands-on experience with any aspects of STEM that may prove beneficial in furthering their education and helping to preparing them for college or for careers in the fast-changing job markets. Our belief is that students provided with proper instructions, motivation and an enriched educational environment will be eager to take the challenge when shown the opportunities that await them as well-prepared individuals.

The Fund plans are to provide support for grades 6 through 12 in classrooms, laboratories and common use materials in libraries. Equipment for a variety of STEM related educational materials and projects is provided, including: Biology, chemistry and physics labs, software, databases, magazines, DVD, web-based services, Virtual/Augmented reality, Three Dimension (3D) Printing, guest lecturers, and field trips.